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Kayak Fishing

Western canada kayak fishing trail logo

#WCKFT – Summer Slam Finale

The Western Canada Kayak Fishing Trail – Freshwater Summer Slam Series is officially over! Boy, that name is a mouthful. Congratulations to everyone who participated and grinded it out for the competition. It was great to be able to look forward to a little camaraderie and friendly competition during such… 

Helix 5 mounted on kayak

Side Imaging Fish Finder Install on the Old Town Bigwater PDL 132

I mounted my Humminbird Helix 5 SI on the Bigwater PDL 132 as soon as the kayak came in, but I wasn’t 100% satisfied with how it was installed. There were just some small details that I thought needed some improvement. After experimenting with the fish finder and transducer locations…